
Chess Variant to Take Over the World by 2050s?


I was reading in a chess book dated from 1994 (Chess Master at Any Age by Rolf Wetzell) that chess will become "dated" soon. He predicted the opening memorization by GMs will eventually render the game uninteresting and a chess variant will take over the game to make it more challening and complex.  

Interstingly, he didn't predict Fischer Random chess, the one where the pieces are scrambled behind the pawns, would be this replacement, but a version where all the pieces in the back row are empty.  White then gets a chance to place one of his pieces somewhere on the back rank.  Black then follows with one piece and so on until all the pieces are placed according to the player's whim, with the exception that bishops must be on opposite colored squares.

Wetzell stated he predicted by the mid 21st century, this will be the new grandmaster chess seen in all serious tournaments.  What are your thoughts on this?  Do you think he is right? Have you ever played this chess variant?  Do you think would ever offer it? 


                I think the idea is fabulous. He's talking about REAL random. 960 mirrors the back row. I never thought about one side not matching the other. Sounds dam interesting.  Thanks!


Today I heard Kramnik and Aronian (Two top super mega Grandmasters by the way) talking about the complicated and unclear lines of their game.. You can prepare games, learn openings, but the number of possible position in chess is about a One followed by 40 zeros (Something like 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (I didn't count the 0's).. I think we still are far from predictable games, but this kind of variants maybe will be considered in the future when chess will be "EVENTUALLY" solved by machines.. And i hope to be dead when this day arrived xD.



