
Do members generally make progress?


As you can see, I'm a new member here. I used to play chess sience long time ago but never tried to get better in it till a couple of monthes ago. in order to become a better player i started to play more game and read chess books for a while and accidently i signed up in this site.

what i see and feel disapointed about it is that it seems that there are a lot of members who don't make progress and remain the man they've been for years and years, playing in the same way as before with no change in their ratings. my main question is: is that like this? or does the site really helps us improve our skills and become a better player? i mean in an extended amount


I hope it does improve my play. Try clicking on some of the player names and checking their 'stats', which should show you how or whether they have improved over time. Generally my observation is that the good players have improved while they have been playing at


Member or not, those who work at it usually improve.  Some people join just for fun, and some try to improve but don't have a lot of free time.


I believe you always learn from all chess games you play.


It depends not just on how seriously you work, but what you work at. If all you do is study tactics trainer problems and play blitz, you probably won't really improve that much. 

If you read articles, study problems, work on chess mentor lessons, study master games, and play long format games you likely will. 


When I was a member (when I first joined) my rating jumped from the 800s to around 1205.  I quit, so sadly my rating dropped like a stone, but i'm sure it will get back up there soon enough.


So yea, at least in my case, it'll improve your game so long as you use the tools they provide to you.


I started with a rating of about 1300 on this site, I've been improving slowly ever since, but since it's about the only place I play chess, I'd say it definately helped me improve.

aaaliii wrote:

In order to become a better player i started to play more game and read chess books for a while...

You have answered your own question.  Smile  If you wish to improve, you have to work at it. provides all of the tools necessary to do just that, and it will only work for you if you use it.


In order to improve dramattically I need to go over my past games, Especially my losses, and preferably with somebody higher rated than me. I also need to study the games of better players. I am too lazy to do this, I just like to play and have fun. However, I would say that all the members of who play regularly  are getting better as a group. Our ratings don't improve that much because it is the same pool of players improving together.  


Good point that last one, eddie :-D