
I cant stand people who dont resign -.-

Stevie65 wrote:

Of course it's common sense!

A seasoned chess player knows when it's over..But for those that aren't it's damn good practise.

Hey, it's not over, till it's over.  :p  I was told once, never to throw in the towel, when it seems it's a loss.  Hold out for the other person to make a mistake.  Now, when I know when it's over and I've just lost the game, (which is probably a move in the mddle of the game), I continue for a few more, and when I see the other opponent starts getting a confident feelin about the game, sure enough, he makes a STUPid move and I can cash in!  Sorry, that you can't handle a "NO early resign" game. and yes, I"m under 2000, so I'll play till you want to resign yourself! :D  

Good chess to ya, mate!  

p.s. If you have hung in here and read to the end, you have more patience and should be able to stand a long, boring game with someone.  :D 


What's really hilarious is when people resign rather than let you check mate on the next move. That's the sign of a tantrimonious, sore loser. But, yeah, this disconnecting and abandoning gets my goat too.


Ya won't see many high level games with blunders,they'll more than likely out play each other.If i was to play someone at my level then i would expect mistakes to be made so i personally would play on hoping that my opponent made a mistake.

So if you were to play a high level player you would carry on would you?  Not only would it be shit for your opponent (Boring to tear you apart,theres no chase anymore)..You yourself would not be enjoying the game. practise only!




What was wrong with one of the rooks?


if you cant win...dont play!

JamieKowalski wrote:

I resigned once. Then they sent me to this mysterious island and started calling me "number six."

Which movie are you referring to?  Laughing


And I can't stand people who can't stand people who don't resign -_-

And I can't stand people who can't stand people who can't stand people... Err... where am I?


Anyone who has ever bothered to do a little study on "Chess Etiquette" knows that when you can see the game is hopeless the proper AND expected thing to do is to resign ! Try reading the "Etiquette" chapter in "Chess for Dummies"!

paulgottlieb wrote:

I think this is a very important topic! People who don't resign when I think they should must be banned from for life--or even longer! I don't care what you all say, and I don't care that we've already had about 500 of these threads! It's very important! People who don't resign when I think they should are poopie-heads!

Well said! It was time someone finally stood up and says it clearly!!!

gattaca wrote:
paulgottlieb wrote:

I think this is a very important topic! People who don't resign when I think they should must be banned from for life--or even longer! I don't care what you all say, and I don't care that we've already had about 500 of these threads! It's very important! People who don't resign when I think they should are poopie-heads!

Well said! It was time someone finally stood up and says it clearly!!!

Not to mention, moving where I want them to. :)


ill fight to the bitter end ..whos to say when a person should resign?....oh!!!i get get it the person on the winning end..usually the so called winner can still make a mistake cos they are toooooooooooo over confident so!! my policy no resign here boyshaahahahaahahahaahahSealed


eeeeeeeeek they are coming after me ....mummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  hahahahahahahahahahahahCool

gattaca wrote:
JamieKowalski wrote:

I resigned once. Then they sent me to this mysterious island and started calling me "number six."

Which movie are you referring to? 

Are you referring to The Prisoner? I don't remember it being an island, and it was a short tv series in the 60s, I think. They rebooted it a few years ago with Jim Cavizel and Ian McKellen.


I find it irritating when people resign too soon.  I play turn-based chess, and it seems like a lot of people resign as soon as the position starts to turn against them (but long before they're clearly lost).  It's almost like they play a bunch of games simultaneously, and only want to go forward with games they think they'll win.


Resigning is a sign of arrogance.


OP got irked when he lost a losing game anyway, and he wantedhis opponent to resign before he (OP) can be checkmated! lol!

The following game should be the benchmark of all chess players, winning or losing, accept a draw: :D
