
Is chess better or harder than GO?


So I have learn GO about few days ago..

I started to apply some ches techniques to their rules and I found things are getting easy there.. However, GO players insist that GO is a harder and better game than chess. What is your opinion?


Shogi is also an excellent 2 player game. It is descended for chaturanga, the same game chess was descended from. It could be considered a 'cousin' to chess. :)


Go and Chess are different, that's about all you can say. Both have strategy and tactics, but they're different. I never found Go to be harder than Chess, not that I'm that good at either. Personally I prefer Chess, but personally I think that trying to say one form of entertainment is objectively better than another is a waste of time.

ReasonableDoubt wrote:

I play both, and they're both incredible games.  They're both great and revolve around strategy and tactics, and I wouldn't say either is better than the other.  With that being said I play chess very seriously but I've only played Go casually so for me the strategy in Go seems more confusing.  I have nothing but respect for strong Go players as it's an incredible game that is every bit as complex at chess.  



No offense to the chess comunity. In fact, I love playing chess. But I also had an oppotunity to learn a little bit of the game of Go too. The fact is, Go is much richer in both tactics and strategy. Yes, tactics too! Most beginners get an impression that go might be more of a strategic game and does not offer the same level of tactics that chess has. That impression is 1000% wrong! Alright, I will stop there. But just as a pointer for people who want to find out more about Go tactics, I recommend the 300 years old book 《Guan Zi Pu》.


Is Guan Zi Pu in English or Japense or Chinese or Korean or another language. I only know like a dozen or so words in Japense, none in Chinese or Korean, so It better be in English.