
My opening trap


In a game I played recently I found this cool trap in the Caro-Kann Breyer variation and I looked online and could not find it elsewhere and was informed by NM Zug that it had no name. I understand that this was no means an excellent game on black's side (na6 was clearly a mistake, aside from the blunder of taking my queen), but I thought it was a cool mate that I got and I'm still deciding what to name it : D. And if this already has a name let me know too please.



Nobody has thoughts? : (


I think that most people would notice the advancing pawn first and capture it.


Well, I believe getting mated with a pawn is called a "Shame Mate", so you can maybe work that into the name. :)

ShiViChess wrote:

I think that most people would notice the advancing pawn first and capture it.

Except taking the pawn in this instance would created doubled pawns. Which is what he may have been trying to avoid because that doubled e6 pawn would be a pretty bad weakness.