
Slow Movers who will not resign


I used to be a 1500 to about 1575 rated player, now due to old age, memory close down, and a few radiation treatments which, although not on my head, seem to have affected my power of concentration, I am lucky to stay in the 1300 to 1350 range, I still enjoy my chess, and I enjoy playing any members, but I find that in this lower range of 1250 to about 1375, many members feel they must fight to the death, it may be they are hoping for a draw, or their opponent may get fed up and lose on time, or resign in disgust, but when you have maybe a Rook, a few pawns, and maybe even another minor piece, and your opponent has just a King (or a King and a pawn), and will not resign, the  12 to 24 hour wait between their moves (some even take the full 3 days if they think it will upset you more) drives me crazy, I do not wish to leave messages for people who do this, and if I think they are learning something, I do not mind, but the ones who do it just to piss you off are doing nobody (least of all the game of chess, and themselves) any favours, just let your opponent know you are trying to learn something, or trying to see how he may get you in checkmate, and make a few moves at a sitting, not one move every 1 or 2 (or even 3) days and still be online during those times.


Do live chess - timed games. Maybe 30 minute games or something. I can't stand online chess anymore due to slow movers and everyone's access to an analysis board. It's like whoever has an infinite amount of time to study moves has the edge. 


I agree about analysis boards, I do not like conditional moves either, I see that as an analysis board under another name. I may try the 30 minute games, but can you have them in a Team Match?


It is meant to simulate a correspondence game in which analysis with a board is allowed . Playing live chess was the best suggestion someone gave.

Knightly_News wrote:

I can't stand online chess anymore due to slow movers and everyone's access to an analysis board. It's like whoever has an infinite amount of time to study moves has the edge. 

lol.. This is so true! You are describing me here, BTW. But this is how I learn the game. Mind you, I think my time per move average is pretty good, but for 9/10 moves that I make, you can bet I've sliced and diced the position as fully as I can on the analysis board. The other 1/10 moves are probably where the majority of my blunders and mistakes are. whereas the 9/10 are merely "inaccuracies". :oP

But this is the reason that I'm breaching 1600 in online games but can't even break 1000 in blitz. The analysis board in online games is half the fun for me.


Start another game up at around 10 min or so to keep occupied while that game is finishing up (multiple games option enabled) 


Reading comprehension is good. He's talking about online games, not live ones.


Start another game. Simple.