
So Frustrating


I'm getting better and better, but still really struggle, especially with live chess.  My rating keeps dropping becuase I can't beat anyone, even people with ratings much lower than mine.  I'm doing ok on online and the tactics training is improving significantly.  The live chess seems to be my biggest struggle area, any thoughts as to why that would be so much more of an issue than the others?


As someone considerably wiser than me once wrote.  "Blitz chess serves as a showcase for your skills.  Unfortunately the showroom is largely empty below expert level".  I'm sure the original was more eloquent, but you get the point.  As a relative beginner, the last thing you want to be doing is to play blitz or bullet.  Of course it's fun, and of course all the good players do it, but guess what?  With the rarest of exceptions, that's not how they got good.  They got good playing long slow games and carefully analyzing their mistakes.  You should probably do the same.  I'm not saying you have to give it up completely, but think of it as an occasional treat rather than your main chess diet.  Rant over...Laughing