
What is the difference between strategy and tactics?


Chess strategy refers to your ability to make a good plan for the position.

Tactics skills on the other hand refers to how good you are at seeing a combination of moves (usually 2-5 moves deep) with which you obtain some advantage.

Anyone else who can come up with some of the main differences between tactics and strategy?

Bataleur wrote:

Chess strategy refers to your ability to make a good plan for the position.

Tactics skills on the other hand refers to how good you are at seeing a combination of moves (usually 2-5 moves deep) with which you obtain some advantage.

Anyone else who can come up with some of the main differences between tactics and strategy?


I think your definition nails it.


Good looking and informative site, I've bookmarked it for further attention.


How strong a player are you?


To be honest, I am about a 2000 rated player but I dont play very actively - I spend more time coaching than actually playing - but I look at what the grandmaster are saying and try to put in into informative and useful information

Thanks for bookmarking.


Yeah good one. I also like what Fischer said - tactics flow from superior positions.

Strategy helps you get the good position, tactics help you get the concrete advantage from the good position.


Strategy would be like if I got a gun. I loaded the gun. Then I walked into a store. I would need to decide what kind of gun and ammo. I would need to decide what time. I would need to decide if I will be alone or have accomplices. I would need to decide exactly what store.

Tactics would be either taking the clerk hostage, shooting the clerk, or demanding the clerk pay me the money.


Those moves which based on rules, principles, plans etc are actually strategic moves. While those moves which relies on calculation is known as Tactical moves.


Hassaan Rahimi.


thread is from 2011


the necro is strong in this one


I've written a post on this topic.


Did you mean VELCRO"

cheers Kev