
Whats with all of the low rated coaches on



pt22064 wrote:

I disagree that rating is the sole determinant as to whether one can be a competent coach. I also disagree that it is not possible to be an effective coach for someone having a higher rating. Indeed, in many sports (e.g., tennis), coaches of the very top players cannot beat their students. However, this does not mean they cannot help their students improve. Often, the best coaches were not the best players at the sport or game that they coach. Being able to evaluate a student's weaknesses, understanding how to develop training regimens personalized for particular students and communicating/explaining concepts well are attributes of a good coach/teacher. Top players do not necessarily have these traits.

That may be true in physical sports, but not brain games.


this guy was adverstising on one of the groups i am in, this almost as bad as sebleb. he isn't a total lier (he says he is a profecional coach and he has been recomended by the staff) like sebleb (He doesn't say he has a 1650 rating when it is 800 and he doesn't say he beat GM short) but he is only rated 560! 200 points under sebleb!



Hey I'm 600 over his USCF! What's this about? One game for $5?


Some titled player please analyze this! Is it good? Or basic?


It isn't basic but it is wrong! he make false assumptions and say lies (most people think this is lost). The moves made are toataly incorrect!

tliu1222 wrote:

Hey I'm 600 over his USCF! What's this about? One game for $5?

Well his was  the Checkers Champion for a while and thinks that gives him advantage over  you here.


The above makes no sense...... that is the whole point.

ajttja wrote:

this guy was adverstising on one of the groups i am in, this almost as bad as sebleb. he isn't a total lier (he says he is a profecional coach and he has been recomended by the staff) like sebleb (He doesn't say he has a 1650 rating when it is 800 and he doesn't say he beat GM short) but he is only rated 560! 200 points under sebleb!

Hey i have no proble with him coaching .......

just as long as he is coaching my opponents in Team Matches.

Hey he can even coach the rest of opponents of my team in the TM.

ImprovingChessPlayer wrote:

It is not just rating; nor is it just rating difference.

Why someone would hire anyone below NM/FM level, I do not understand?

To master chess, you need to master many concepts. That requires years of education and experience. That's where rating becomes important, since it demonstrates profieciency at translating chess concepts into actual practice.

Being technically proficient does not by itself make someone an effective coach/instructor. You also need to be able to explain important chess concepts in an intuitive way. Lots of masters and GMs are not effective teachers.

Effective coaches also care about teaching. Not just to make a living, but because they want to teach. IOW, they have to care about the students. There are many masters and GMs who are so wrapped up in themselves and their own ambitions, that they cannot empathize with students.

Good coaches also have to be objective about their teaching ability. They cannot get defensive when their explanations confuse a student. Instead, they have to be able to think of a different way of trying to explain the lesson.

Club level players and even experts do not generally have enough demonstrated mastery of critical chess knowledge and skills, IMO. An expert may be widely read in chess. That's chess knowledge and it does not automatically translate into chess strength. It is one thing to "know" positional concepts, for example. It's quite another to be able to integrate them into one's play. And yet something else entirely to be able to teach those concepts to others.

When weaker players coach, two things happen, IMO. One, their ego is ahead of their ability, which is never a good thing. The other is that they are more likely to pass along misunderstandings and bad habits.

If they had effective chess habits and really understood the most important chess concepts, why would they still be a class A/B player or expert instead of a master or GM?

The other advantage that most masters and GMS have is that they were also successfully coached for years by masters and GMs. Effective coaches and teachers are not born. They are nurtured.

As one of my coaches said repeated, to become a master or GM, you need others to help raise you up to that level.

If your ultimate goal is to be a C/D player, then be coached by an A/B player. It's hard to "unlearn" bad habits.

I agree.



troll... ^


I don't lie about it, i don't advertise, i don't charge, i don't accept people rated 1400+, What's bad about that?


Ok maybe they can read to you from a chess book that you want.....

For $5 they read the sections your most interested in hearing.

Still makes no sense.

Hey how many of thes coaches can you get at the same time for it to worth it. 4 of these coaches at $20 hour..... lol. I bet you could all 4 of them at the same time easy. So they would not even be worth using as a sparing partner.

Ok i got it! For $5 a lesson they can hold the bookup  and turn quickly to pages you want to study and play out the moves in the book for you on the chess board.....boards. Plus they have to be doing this fast and not at their leasure.     Now that may be worth it!   And if they do not want to get their money in pennies they have to serve you fresh drinks during this event.



ajttja wrote:

I don't lie about it, i don't advertise, i don't charge, i don't accept people rated 1400+, What's bad about that?

ya but the forum topic is "whats with all of the low rated coaches on" not "why do low rated coaches charge"


hey, there is something called change of subject!


Can i get a coach like Rocky had ......

I like that "Your a lean and mean ...... machine"

"Knock his block off"

"That bum just got lucky"

"Eye of the Tiger"

If he ask me to chase a chicken he is going to think he saw Rocky.


Anything is possible.

manfredmann wrote:

Some kids sell lemonade on their front lawn. Same thing. No need to get excited, the health department is not excited, the big lemonade makers are not excited.

it is if they advertize it on tv