
why do people play out a lost position to the bitter end?


I sometimes play on to learn something from a better player.

When there's nothing left to learn I resign.


Because draw/ stalemate

Shmuckley wrote:

 I get so frustrated when Im in a losing position I just want it to be over

 Not everybody is a quitter in a tough situation.


             hahahahah      "I just want it to be over"!    That's what I said about my 13th marriage.


marriage may be something you might not be good at.

Shmuckley wrote:

my endgame is better than all the other aspects of the game so I know pretty certain when Im going to win, but if I was to play out my losing positions I might be able to at least pull a draw. problem is I get so frustrated when Im in a losing position I just want it to be over so Im not reinforcing how to lose.

You have a rating of 1400 I very much doubt that you know even simple rook endgame positions.


Persevering in difficult chess positions can (if you pay attention) help you:

Improve your defensive play.

Learn attacking and endgame techniques from your opponent.

Toughen you emotionally for combat.

Wear down your opponent.

Maybe devise a brilliant stalemate tactic.

Force your opponent to work for the win.

Take advantage of the opponent's later mistakes.


It is sometimes a compliment to play out a lost game to the end. I sometimes do that if my opponent has played well and I'm curious to see how he converts the win. If a player wants s point from me I have a right to make him teach me


That is my attitude too. It is the same with drawn games. If the position is interesting enough I can learn something I play on.

ab121705 wrote:

I sometimes play on to learn something from a better player.

When there's nothing left to learn I resign.


2200ismygoal I tried challenging you, but seems you dont play 1400s. well fact of the matter is that I am a 1700 on another site. and since you want to run your mouth about me not knowing anything about chess. I challenge you to a game and Im confident I will show i know endgame. since you kind of pissed me off Ill go ahead and tell you I will beat you in our game, and if you dont have the nuts just wait a couple months and Ill challenge you when I get there.


I think that some people are masochists.


no I am confident in my abilities, and if you piss me off I will play that much better.


Well, judge me now.


Simple.A lot of the guys would be hoping for a stalemate(some grandmasters also do that),disconnection,or a silly blunder by the opposition due to a mouseslip and things like that aint over till its over


I usually offer my resignation but give winning opponent the choice of administering the checkmate


I played a game on Chesscube.  It lasted 12 moves after white resigned.  A silly blunder cost him his queen and would eventually lead to a loss by white (I was black happy.png).



Depends the position. 

If you have only king and he has rook and queen then obviously it is pointless to keep playing. 

But if he has King, queen and 2 pawns and you have King, rook and knight, even though you will most likely lose you still have a little hope. Or you simply want to not make it so damn easy for him. 

Shmuckley wrote:

I just dont see the point in playing out a lost game, its like reinforcing the idea of losing.

If I resign I must be absoultely sure that I lose, but I have once blundered a game giving up not seeing a defense. .  


Because of this (I was playing white and won on time):



I think a player should be hopefull should also play in a lost position but there should some magical move in his pocket but if that don't work resign is the best move a player can play...