
Your evaluation of a position with unbalanced material


I was analyzing some chess positions and stumbled upon the position shown below.

The position has unbalanced material, and this is a subject where I would like to improve my understanding.

If I count the material values white and black are equal. My engine says that this position is 0.00 (equal). However, I would prefer whites pieces, which I think most people would do.

My engine evaluation is most probably right, but my question is how easy / difficult is this position to defend by black? (Will black have to play very precisely to obtain the draw, while white may do many inacurrate moves without losing, or...?)


This is a joke, right?

White is under mate in one threat. He must play f3 or f4 to avoid mate. And after Bc5+ I prefer black.


Timothy_P >> You're right... I just added the missing rook on f1 Embarassed


Ok good, because when I disagree with a 1900 player I'm not usually right Laughing

If you can't figure it out... I probably can't either.

However, as black my plan would be to eliminate the a-pawn and promote.


because of the open h-file and the presence of white's queen and rook, the game should be in white's favor.

also a kingside pawn storm looks good for white. f4 g4 h4

white can probably get a mating position if he is prepared to sacrifice material and open all the lines where black's queenside majority or extra pawns would cease to matter.


I would agree with the draw evaluation of whatever engine you're using. Perhaps white's game is easier to play than black's from a practical standpoint because black doesn't really have much against white (pawn majority on the queenside I suppose) and if he wastes time, white might start to have actual winning chances. But black's position is also quite solid (e.g. no real weaknesses, knight on f8 is a great defender) and after (for example): h4,Rad8; h5,Bxg5; Qxg5,R8d5; Qe7,Rd7; Qg5,R8d5; etc. I don't see how white can make any progress.