
Failed tactics problems



I would like to solve tactics that I failed to solve my first attempt. The "recent problems" tab is helpful, but only goes back 25 problems. Is there a place to access all of my previous tactics problems--especially the ones that I failed?


Thanks, Jack. Yeah, I hope they do something like that in the future. Ideally there would be an option to choose between trying problems in your ability range (like it is set currently) or previously failed ones. That would give you both fresh looks and the opportunity to improve on weaknesses. 

If anybody else knows of a website that provides something like I am imagining, please let me know. 


every week or so I go back through the history and note the problems I've failed - copy the link to a OneNote page that I use to archive links to them.  Intend to go back through this list once a month or so and revisit those problems...


Or you could just head over to V3 and enjoy all the new features of the TT including practicing previously missed problems.