
Fair Play Policy/Not being able to play other people


Okay, so for everyone out there that has been affected by the Fair Play policy, I would like you to know that there has been a new rule that states, if you have been aborting alot of your games and/or disconnecting alot during a game, you are probably already banned from playing or you might be at risk of being banned from playing. You can play only with your friends, when you are banned from playing random people. To fix this problem, you must play as many games with your friends as the games you have aborted and/or disconnected from. But now the staff are making a new solution to the problem, where banned players can play everyone, but they can only play or resign, until their abort/disconnection percentage goes below the line. I do not know what percentage the line is, but you can ask Help and Support with the link provided below. If you want to see the Fair Play Policy, just go to the Top-Right corner of this screen, press "Help," and type in, "Fair Play Policy" in the Help and Support search box. I have gotten the link to the Fair Play Policy:

 If you are having any problems on or with this Fair Play Policy, then here is the link to contact

Here is the link to my blog about the Fair Play Policy, if it will help you:

Also, do not abort, if your opponent is stalling because it will count against you. Just wait until the server aborts for you, so it doesn't count against you. The server aborts for you after about 30 seconds, I would say, if your opponent doesn't make his move, if he is white.

If you get restricted because you are aborting too much because you don't get the opponent you want, then adjust the Game Type Settings under the place where you create a challenge on Live Chess. This will determine what type of players can accept you challenge. You can also go under the Live Chess settings and then go under the Filter tab under the Live Chess settings to hide computer games and adjust what challenges appear on your screen. Like I said, they are coming with new changes to the Fair Play Policy with less harsher consequences for aborting. But, there won't be a bunch of players aborting all the time like they did before the Fair Play Policy.

Please only use this forum to help you with the Fair Play Policy. This is not a Help and Support forum to help you with all the problems on This is just a forum focused on the Fair Play Policy. Also, only use this forum to discuss or ask questions related to the Fair Play Policy and I would like everyone to be aware that I am not a moderator or a staff member. Also, please be aware that if there is any posts that are bothersome to me and other players, then you will be blocked by me, so you can no longer post in this forum or any of my forums, and you might be reported, considering what you say. I have already blocked and reported one player, already. I hope this forum will help you!



Getting sick and tired of seeing this type of threads with the complaints of fair play policy lately huh ? Wink


My opponent cheated! Where can I report him??

that's not cheating its called en passant


heinzie is just trying to be funny here, that's all.


can't blame me for trying


Um, can you stop goofing off here, I meant this to be a forum about the Fair Play Policy and to help others. This isn't the "Goofing Room."



To those who are wondering how they can "fix" the problem, I would suggest...

Short-term: Play games with your friends, without aborting/disconnecting/abandoning the games; this will improve your sportsmanship rating and ultimately lift the restriction. If you have no friends, make some. Maybe we need a support group for people with restricted accounts? :) If you don't want to make friends, you can also directly challenge other users. You just can't create/accept Open Seeks while restricted.

Long-term (after the restriction is lifted): Configure your game settings ("Game Type Settings" link below the Start Game button) to specify the ratings of someone you're actually willing to play with, and accept that rated games require some exposure to pieces of both colors. If you must play white, simply choose "Unrated: White" on the drop-list:


TheGodfather000 wrote:
This rule is a mistake. Players must be FREE to play or to abort or to disconnect for any reason, accidentaly or on purpose.

 Well, if you want the rule deleted, just put a suggestion in the "Site Feedback and Suggestions" forums section. Or, you can just Contact the Help and Support to send a suggestion through there. If you post a forum, it might take quicker, but the staff might not respond to it, but if you send it directly through Help and Support, it takes longer, but they will read it. Players are free to abort or disconnect, just not frequently, at least they let you have a solution to fix the problem. so has to have a forum section, called, "The Complaint Box." Wink



Then, why don't you actually do something about it? You are also free to talk back to and have an attitude at You go sister! Laughing But seriously, if you want to be angry at for having that rule, then why don't you complain about it in your own forum?



I knew that you didn't do something about it because you are wasting your time in this forum.



Being fair who would want a friend that continually disconnected or aborted their games ... thats just crap :/


Well, it allows them to have a second chance. I think should give 1 or 2 warnings before someone gets banned from playing other players besides their friends. Also, I think should send out a message to everyone warning everyone of the Fair Play Policy, so everyone is aware of it.



Surely "fair play" is common sense? How would you feel if people kept aborting games against you? Its a royal pain in the tuche :/


Well, fair play is common sense, but if players weren't aware of the policy, then they might be catching the wrong players that didn't adjust their Game Type Settings very good and then we would have at least 30% of the people, who shouldn't be banned from playing other people, besides their friends. Yes, there is a solution to get the wrong players out of that ban, but do you know how long that would take? And some players don't even have any friends.


When someone aborts my games, I just block 'em (I'm not justifying it though).

And the more games they abort the more blocks hey get and the even smaller chance of playing a game


Oh, but that would probably be alot of people to abort, and it is probably very time-consuming, since you actually have to type their username in.



So it is in everyones best interests if you set your settings and NOT abort all the time

