
game chat


 I've been trying to chat with my opponent during the game, but can't respond. I have followed the directions as stated (click into the box and hit enter under "Game") but still nothing. What am I missing?


If you are able to type in chat, but it disappears when you press Enter, it means they have disabled game chat.

Also, just to double check, go into your own live chess settings page

6th box UP from the bottom of the page.  Make sure the box marked

'Never Chat"  is not checked.  (If it is, then UN-check that box, save settings, then go into live chess and it'll work then)

If your chat is enabled, and you did not click on the 'disable game chat' text within the game chat window, then you can safely assume your opponent disabled it


  thanks for the advice. But still not working. Checked my settings and my opponents are still able to give me a 'gg' or whatever, but I still can't enter into the box.  Anyway, I'll keep trying. Appreciate your help.


Are you using a laptop or pc ?













I tested on yours. Its working.

Where i've entered the text " type in here then press enter" 

what happens when you type in that box and press enter on your keyboard?


  I got it!!  I'm chatting. I'm a little slow, now you know why my scores are slow. Thanks very much.  


all of the above has been tried but chat still does not work


See where it says 'show chat', click on that. I tested this for you, game chat worked but there is a couple of seconds delay on text appearing in the game chat.