
Game stuck after opponent ran out of time


My opponent ran out of time, but the game did not end, it's just stuck. It has said that he has "< 60 seconds" left for several hours now. Was wondering how long it will take to go into "completed"?



You have to go into online settings to fix this.  See where I have a check next to "autowin on time"? You need to do the same.

Settings - Online Chess


These settings control who you play with, how many games you play, and what the game looks like!NOTE: These settings can't help you win... that's a setting in your head! :)

 Game Settings

  • Max # of Games:
  • Opponent Rating:Min:    Max: 
  • Days per Move:Min: 123571014   Max: 123571014

    Enter your min & max allowable for incoming challenges.

  • Friends OK!
    My friends can challenge me no matter what!
  • Auto-Win on Time:
    Automatically claim victory when time runs out!


Sorry about no check marks in the above post...They seemed to copy and paste OK....


Ah ok, I didn't see the "claim win" option at the bottom - just assumed it was automatic.


Thanks for the responses!


For people who are stuck in a game of chess with 0 sec on the time try restarting your app i just got the same problem and did not find a solution but i fixst it my self