
I don't understand these alerts


I get this messages, - New Alert but then when I open it and click on where is says click here to view your alert it just brings me to my profile. Where's the alert?

mmmjv wrote:

I get this messages, - New Alert but then when I open it and click on where is says click here to view your alert it just brings me to my profile. Where's the alert?

You need to check your settings.  There are many things which can generate alerts, including your groups, which you wouldn't have any control over.


It's not getting the alerts that I'm asking about. But when I get these notices that I have an alert and I click on the link where's the alert? The link just brings me to my profile page


I agree, same thing happens to me. It says I have an alert, I click on it, and it goes to my page-no alert vivible! I have 3 now


Your homepage will show whatever alerts you have pending. Just below the notes that other people have posted you'll see new comments, posts, or other alerts.