
Recurring payments without notifications?


So you can send us emails when it's our move, when we're about to lose on time, or even when you have a promotion to put in front of us.

But you can't send us an email to let us know our account is about to auto-renew and that you're about to take our money.

Crooked, crooked, and more crooked. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


Hey Jesthered.  You may wanna check your spam box.  This past December I did received the notification from that you seem to be missing.  Cheers.


There's nothing in my spam box. This is also apparently a pretty common complaint around here. They take your money first, then tell you about it. When it's so simple to code up a little 3 or 5 day notice, the only explanation for it not existing is that they intentionally do it this way to take more money.

Good for them (financially), I guess, but that's certainly not the type of character trait I like to reward with my dollars.


I guess I understand you are upset.  What I tried to tell you in my previous post is that the notice exists because I got it and does not do intentionally what you claim.


I think you got a notice that you had been billed, not that it was upcoming.

Type in "renewal" in the search bar and you'll see that plenty of people complain about this. I received nothing at all indicating that this bill was upcoming, so the charge today was a little surprising. As I don't use anymore, and haven't for months, it would have been fantastic for them to let me know they were about to take some money...


@OP: As the customer, i.e. "buyer," yours is the responsibility to remain cognizant of your pending business transactions. By agreeing to the service, you authorize to charge you at the agreed-upon intervals. While you may find this practice disagreeable, it is not in the least "crooked."


1.)They do tell you that your subscription is auto-renewed.

2.)They do allow you to cancel at any time.

What's the problem?


i got a warning email. just saying.


Grow up OP.  Every digital delivery system uses the same subscription model.  Yeah, lots of other uninformed have also complained.  So what?


I don't know exactly what do or what happened here. And agreed many sites go for this subscription model, it's legal, you need to be aware of it and stay on top of it.

In my opinion though the way most sites operate subscriptions now is just WIDESPREAD BAD PRACTICE. I hope the tide will turn against money being made through the unexpected and unwanted credit card charging that we all end up with when we forget about a website somewhere.

I think users should always be given a clear option not to enter into a recurring agreement and clear notification well before any automatic charging. Given the choice, I'd always prefer a site run that way.


well i think is very fairly priced for what they offer. Well i wont go so far to say all videos are the epitome of needed chess knowledge, but they have very valuable services, have a really cool chess mentor, in my opinion the most fun tactics trainer that somehow makes really  addicted. Also its easy to cancel the subscription.  Besides they have the awesome chess forum that seems to be very democratic.

In my honest opinion is very good.


People act like are screwing them by taking payment without warning or permission. It just isn't true.

When you sign up to this site, the TOS tell you that you are allowing them to take payment for an auto-renewal. This is your agreement that they can do so.

If people are stupid enough to hand over their bank details, and then not bother to read the TOS to see exactly what they are signing up for, how can be held responsible?

If you can't take responsibility for your own finances, maybe you shouldn't be making purchases online.


Can anybody tell me where to remove the recurring payment option?

sunilk79 wrote:

Can anybody tell me where to remove the recurring payment option?

Use the "Help & Support" link at the bottom of the page, and contact staff. They'll take care of that for you.


Use Paypal , there won't be any automatic deduction from your bank account



I contacted support to have my recurring subscription ended but nobody ever replied. This whole thing is highly fishy and I'd like to be contacted as soon as possible.

ciaci wrote:


I contacted support to have my recurring subscription ended but nobody ever replied. This whole thing is highly fishy and I'd like to be contacted as soon as possible.

How long did you wait?


Anything above a day  is unacceptable for a recurring payment. I luckily ended up cancelling my details from the system so that they cannot charge anymore, but I haven't been able to cancel. It should be mandatory to have a cancellation flow that doesn't involve sending an email.


Oh, how I´d love to be a paying member, but won´t accept my e-address, nor my card, and they don´t answer posts ... unbelievable guys, I must say.