
Seeks I Didn't Create in Live Chess


In the middle of a 1|0 game, I had a seek accepted that I never issued. Obviously I can't play two 1|0 games at once, so I aborted the newly accepted seek. I'm not worried about account restrictions or anything, but I don't like aborting games, and it's very distracting when a new game randomly shows up that I don't want to play. I've heard that basic members aren't even supposed to be able to play multiple games at once. This has happened twice now. After my previous game, I hit New 1 min exactly once, my seek gets accepted, and halfway into the game another game pops up in a new game tab. I'm using Firefox and the 'simple' live chess board if that matters.


happened to me as well

bigryoung wrote:

happened to me as well

The first time it happened to me was on Feb. 2, but I hadn't played live chess for weeks before that. When was the first time it happened to you?

Happens a TON to me

You can turn the ability to play multiple simultaneous games off under Settings->Play.

TheGrobe wrote:

You can turn the ability to play multiple simultaneous games off under Settings->Play.

It's already off. I just checked to make sure. I turned that option off months ago.


It's been happening to me too this past week. I feel your pain TC, I play 1 0 games too and it is distracting. Luckily it didnt happen during a rated game lol


Still sometimes happens. I dont know why. But it has pretty much stopped, so thanks staff