
Why is live chess terrible at THIS time?


2/19/2014, 11:16 A.M CT time.


It's usually good, but everyone keeps disconnecting and I can't play games. Why is that?


Having the same problem. It will say its my oppenents move then resets and I lose like 30 seconds and can't move even though its my turn. His clock will start counting down like its his turn then it will reconnect and his time will go back to original and mine has magically gone down 30 seconds and this keeps repeating. Sometimes it will let me move again and the game goes on but the game does keeps "reconnecting" like every minute.

Im using the Ipad app by the way, and no its definetly not my internet


I never use the live app on the ipad, and i suggest nobody should. on my  computer it works fine but i often disconnect on an ipad.


Live chess on the ipad is wonderful. I feel that the servers must have been experiencing some sort of interruption which I would expect to resolve within an hour or two and you'll be back to normal.


I can´t play live chess! I notice a lot of publicity on the site and when i try to move a piece doesnt go for the place and don´t make a move.

I try a lot of games and the some problem.




It is ATROCIOUS, the connection