
How did you join the Church? Share your conversion story!


If you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, then how did you decide to join? How long have you been a member? Were you raised in the Church, or are you a convert? How did you build your testimony?

This is the place to share your conversion story with us! Everyone has a conversion story to share, as even those who were raised in the Church need to gain a testimony for themselves. These anecdotes can often be uplifting for others to read and allow the Holy Ghost's influence to be more abundant in our lives. We encourage you to bear your testimony in this thread. We look forward to learning more about you!


Thanks for asking! I love to hear conversion stories, including those of life-long members of the Church. Sometimes a story about why someone remains faithful as a youth is just as powerful as one that relates how someone found the Church later.

I attended another church as a child. I remember asking questions and seldom being satisfied with the answers. Specifically, I asked what a person had to do to go to heaven, and I was told that all I had to do was believe in Jesus. This response gave me no instruction on prayer or scripture study or the importance of church attendance. I did not understand a need to do any of these things. It also made me actually doubt the truthfulness of the Atonement. After all, nothing is free, right? Later, my mother told me that there was going to be a baptismal service that day and asked if I wanted to be baptized. I felt that I should not be baptized, and told my mom that I would be someday, but not yet.

As I grew, my parents quit attending church. I was still curious and I started reading the Bible. As I did, I found more questions than answers. I wondered where Satan came from; if God made a world, and it was good, where did this evil come from? Also, it bothered me that the Jews were a "chosen people." Why would a God who created all men only teach and love a certain family?  

These questions made me doubt the veracity of the Bible and the existence of God.

When I attended college, I lived in an off-campus apartment during the summer. Then missionaries knocked on my door one morning. I let them in and listened out of politeness and curiousity. Their teaching sparked a renewed interest in religion for me. I learned to pray! When I prayed, I felt a real presence for the first time in years. I knew that God was real and that He loved me. I started reading the Bible in earnest and also read the chapter assignments from the Book of Mormon given to me by the missionaries. The love of God that I felt prompted me to find a church to join. I started visiting the different churches in the area. I compared various doctrines.

During this search, I read a pamphlet containing Joseph Smith's testimony and history. I identified strongly with his feeling of confusion at the various churches. I believed and trusted in his youthful sincerity. In the months that followed, I had many faith-building experiences and answers to prayer. I was amazed by the logic and cohesiveness of restored Gospel. The questions of my childhood were answered. In the end, I asked God if the things that I was being taught were really true. The feeling of peace that came was wonderful and confirmed that what Joseph Smith had taught was true.

Soon after, I was baptized. I invited my mom to my baptism and she attended, pleased that I had finally chosen to declare my faith in Jesus through baptism. Almost a year later, she joined the Church as well. I served a mission in Cebu, Philippines.

I am grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Continued revelation, priesthood blessings, temple ordinances, and the gift of the Holy Ghost are found nowhere else. I know that these things can bless our lives as we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.


i am old. i have never joined the church.


Are you interested in the church? I have known people that attend for many years before being baptised. Is that you?