
Aborting games


I really want to play everyone without exception.  Yet I am forced to abort some games during my computer security updates, otherwise my board position frequently locks up and I get credited with a loss.  Other times I abort because my opponent will not make there first move as white or when I am interrupted by a family member.  The only way I know to avoid these types of aborts is to stay online and take a loss.  Other times I abort when my board has no sound.  I don't know why sometimes I don't get sound; but if I log off and back on, it usually returns.

I have received a warning that I may be banned from playing if I abort to many more games.  Does anyone else have the sound problem or the solution.

 I really want to play and be polite to everyone.  I would appreciate suggestions and comments.  Thank you very much. 


The best solution is to try to not abort so many games. It is based on a percentage so play more games without aborting and you shouldn't have to worry. I'm not sure what that percentage is, but if you play 90% of your games without aborting or disonnecting you should be fine (I'm guessing).


Litevibe, everyone sees that warning on aborting games but please be assured your account is not even close to being restricted in any way :)



Thank you for your reassurance. 

I do wish I could solve the loss of sound on my live chess board, that has recently been occurring about every 10th game on Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.  If I click on the board and don't hear any sound, I have been aborting the game.  When I do abort a game for that reason I try to apologize to my opponent.


Do you have the latest Flash installed?


Thank you Kohai.  I will check that out.


Thank you again Kohai, I downloaded Flashplayer and everything seems to be working better.


Cool :) thanks for letting me know.

Hi every1 that also sometimes happens to me, but I use an iPad so that might be it