
Bug Report: Pawn Shows As Wrong Color


Hello, I checked Help to see if there was a bug report section, but a CTRL + F showed no use of the word bug so reporting it here. Anyway, in the following game a strange glitch occurred. I switched windows and when coming back there appeared to be one less piece on the board. I tried moving a pawn and it couldn't be moved. Then next turn it changed colors from white to black, it had shown as my piece but was really controlled by the opponent. The glitched piece was a pawn that moved from e5 to e4, capturing and camouflaging itself as the wrong color for a turn. 


Hello!  We're looking for information on that bug!  I'm messaging you about it now!


Hi my problem is that my colors of the chess pieces are just white



i am having the same issue.. all pieces are white or glitched white

Jchill89 wrote:

i am having the same issue.. all pieces are white or glitched white

If you have installed browser extensions, they could be affecting the display of the board and pieces.


Manekapa yeah it is but I cant download the app. But thanks for helping 



my pieces are white and it can't change piece style on variants settings. But only fairy pieces can cannot have these