
Opponents Aborting Games?


I’m not sure if I’m the only one with this problem, but I figured that I might as well post and see. I know that there’s been some “fair play” policy put in place lately, but does it take aborted games into account?


One thing I’ve noticed a lot is that many of my opponents tend to abort the games before move one or after they play move one. At first, I thought that I was just being paired up with a bunch of jerks, but then I thought about it a bit and I realized the problem. My computer tends to load a new game quite slowly, taking anywhere from five to twenty-five seconds. I suppose that many opponents get impatient or think that I’m some annoying idiot and abort the game. Unfortunately for me, it usually takes me several tries to find either a) a patient opponent or b) an opponent with as slow a computer as me.


So I was wondering if perhaps some sort of “wait-time” can be put in place at the beginning of the game. The “abort” button could be initially disabled, but if say, ten seconds pass, then it could be enabled or something like that. A sort of “cooling-off” period if you will. I know an idea like this ought to be put in the appropriate forum, but I was just wondering what other Live Chess players think about this.


This has happened to me multiple times and it's not because of a slow connection. I've watched certain players do it repeatedly; their names disappear from the seek console when someone accepts their challenge and then 10 seconds later their names pop up again after they've aborted, often several times in a row until they find somone that meets their requirements. Perhaps the right rating bracket? Want to play a particular color - who knows?

Whatever the reason, the behavior identifies a narcicsist without any manners.


I abort if my bar is short and red. especially if on blitz. It decreases the odds of disconnecting and losing alot of clock(I think)


I agree with Trutharrow, aborting a game identifies a narcissist without any manners.


i agree. its very annoying. whats the big problem if you lose? its only a game, its not for sheep stations. grow up aborters!

It happens to me too. I just thought they heard about what a talented player I am and got intimidated... ;p
Trutharrow wrote:

This has happened to me multiple times and it's not because of a slow connection. I've watched certain players do it repeatedly; their names disappear from the seek console when someone accepts their challenge and then 10 seconds later their names pop up again after they've aborted, often several times in a row until they find somone that meets their requirements. Perhaps the right rating bracket? Want to play a particular color - who knows?

Whatever the reason, the behavior identifies a narcicsist without any manners.


mikemorgan20 wrote:

i agree. its very annoying. whats the big problem if you lose? its only a game, its not for sheep stations. grow up aborters!


whirlwind2011 wrote:
RoseQueen1985 wrote:
echecs06 wrote:

I also eliminate players from certain countries, cause they play like geniuses!!!!

weak patzer. Really? banning people from countries? that's low.

(Um... I think he was just joking...)

He's done better, but that one was definitely a swing for the old chuckle.


Im sure it is because of slow loading time. I might suggest that you use Google Chrome, as it is pretty fast browser.. you might use it for only if you dont like to switch. Hope it helps

mikemorgan20 wrote:

i agree. its very annoying. whats the big problem if you lose? its only a game, its not for sheep stations. grow up aborters!

I was with you until "it's not for sheep stations" and then my mind flat-lined. I literally heard "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" in my head like you do in the hospital when someone dies. Dude really - what the hell does that mean? I'm dying to understand the reference because it sounds like a keeper.


In this 30|15 game I had an extremely impatient opponent.

After 8. a4, my opponent chatted "play" because I took a minute to think, and then resigned. Why??

Edit: Bf8 should read Bf1


@frrixz: I guess your opponent concluded that your only reasonable move was 8. ... Bd7. When you hesitated to play that, he might have thought you were running out your own clock.

frrixz wrote:

In this 30|15 game I had an extremely impatient opponent.

After 8. a4, my opponent chatted "play" because I took a minute to think, and then resigned. Why??

In your comments about the game you say regarding the last move that you were considering Bf8 because the bishop was useless. Did you mean Bf1? I can't see how it can get to f8. If so, why would you think that the bishop is useless? I'm a big fan of sacrificing (my horrible rating proves that) but here would be giving away the bishop for nothing. No good in that.

wishiwonthatone wrote:
frrixz wrote:

In this 30|15 game I had an extremely impatient opponent.

After 8. a4, my opponent chatted "play" because I took a minute to think, and then resigned. Why??

In your comments about the game you say regarding the last move that you were considering Bf8 because the bishop was useless. Did you mean Bf1? I can't see how it can get to f8. If so, why would you think that the bishop is useless? I'm a big fan of sacrificing (my horrible rating proves that) but here would be giving away the bishop for nothing. No good in that.

I believe Bf1 was intended. I agree, 8. ... Bf1 has no redeeming qualities, except to prevent White from castling Kingside. White clearly rejected this move out of hand and most likely considered 8. ... Bd7 the only sensible move, couldn't see any reason for a delay, and ended up resigning.


Yes, to the point: the "hurry up" attitude and resignation are disappointing. Especially because it looked to be an interesting game.


Proper gents display a positive outlook to such situations. We have lay down the guantlet play 1.d4 and they run away in fright with soiled undergarments truly unbefitting of any decent sportsman. Instead gents opt to congratulate the scarred opponent with a nice trophy of a cup of tea and a nice thank you note leaving honour intact on both sides.


back to subject, if I'm white, I move right away, if not, I'll give you about 15 seconds to giddy-up. Had one person tell me after I had aborted, they were making a sandwich. I get too pumped up at the start, this is a fight to the finish after all.

wishiwonthatone wrote:

Yes, to the point: the "hurry up" attitude and resignation are disappointing. Especially because it looked to be an interesting game.

My point is I consider this as annoying as aborting just because you don't want to be black, etc.

Yes, I did mean Bf1, not Bf8.

I figured I could save my bishop, but it would clutter my position. I was looking for some way to "blitzkreig" my opponent's king if I sacked the bishop (probably followed by Nf6 and a queen move). Of course I never came to a conclusion because the game was cut short.