
Daily Puzzles - Mate in 5 Puzzles


Hello and welcome to day 4 of my 200 puzzle marathon. Today i present to you 5 mate in 5 puzzles, as usual i've added some variations and anotated all i found useful, but if you find something worth mentioning (or a different way leading to mate) leave a comment! Hope you enjoy:

Puzzle 1:

Puzzle 2:
Puzzle 3:
Puzzle 4:
Puzzle 5:
That's all for today. I hope you had fun, leave a comment and share it with your friends, it really helps!. Tomorrow i will post 5 mate in 6 (yes SIX) puzzles! Those are hard, trust me :P; but don't worry, sunday will be 10 mate in 2 puzzles (so we all take a break from the difficult ones haha).
See you all tomorrow, hope you're looking forward to it!
All opinions are welcome