
End game puzzle


There are two parts to this puzzle; one much harder than the other, but they sort of lead on to one another so bare with me. This is the first one. I will post the harder one in a minute.

This is the harder one. It took Kasparov 2 minutes. They believe that if you can do it in less than 15 minutes without looking at the board, then you have the potential to be a Grandmaster.

Why not 7. Qe8?

Then Black would play Qg7 and prevent white from moving the king to checkmate.
i got it in 10 minutes
Ah, but did you do it by guessing each move or did you think about the whole thing in your head and then come back to the board to check your solution?
More replies please? Too easy, too hard, do you want more of the same sort of puzzles, etc?
first is very very easy, second i've soved it in 10:23  Smile, offcourse we want more difficlut puzzels, to put our mind to work a little bit 
Solved it pretty quick had problems on move 9 and 10, but great puzzle.
Real cool puzzles. The first one is easy. The second one, I had an idea that the King needs to move to "a" file at the end, but did not think through all the steps. Please keep them coming. Thanks.

nice really nice puzzles keep em comin

Why would you not take the Queen?
If you mean on move six, then QxQ leaves black with no legal moves- stalemate. White can win it instead of drawing.
Interesting puzzle.  Cool!!

talk about ressurection


Nice, elegant puzzle.  I didn't give myself the 15 minute test.  I only had 5 minutes to look at it, and then I toggled through the solution.  (Art appreciation: sometimes I find it satisfying just to understand something when I see it, and I have less of a need to prove something to myself.)  Really nice!


Hmm, I've seen this before, can't remember who composed the study, but it's really good.


David Joseph


I thought I had found a flaw, but it turns out white still wins.
10. . . Qf4 allows the black queen to defend against the white king moving for discovered checkmate, but . . .
Lord-Svenstikov wrote:

There are two parts to this puzzle; one much harder than the other, but they sort of lead on to one another so "bare with me". This is the first one. I will post the harder one in a minute.

This is the first time we've been publicly asked on a chess website to disrobe. What next!?