
Puzzles like these please.


Well, I was on a puzzle spree the other day and I found this puzzle quite hard to solve. After some time, finally managed to solve it using a chessboard and setting up the pieces accordingly. I found the solution playing the board, got excited and played the wrong move order online, failing the puzzle. I was so frustrated. But it did get me interested in similar type puzzles. This is the puzzle I failed.


The white king is on square h8. Sorry, I didn't include coordinates.


Has anyone got similar puzzles to share? Ideas of Zugzwang in the endgame and mate in 5 or 6?




board coordinates would have been nice, I assumed white was playing up the board. did the puzzle start with 2. Nh6+, as that move is not forced.


Oops. I should have done that.

k-scope wrote:

board coordinates would have been nice, I assumed white was playing up the board. did the puzzle start with 2. Nh6+, as that move is not forced.

My apologies. I'm not good at setting up puzzles. It's my first one in fact. Yes. The puzzle was that white played the Nh6+, which isn't the computer's first choice. It would have played g6+ instead of the Knight.


Hello SheridanJupp! thx for your puzzle:)

Another one:

White mates in three / Zugzwang


Yay!! Thank you. That one is really nice and not easy despite the overwhelming material. Yes, exactly the kind of puzzle I was looking for. Thank you Sine-Nomine!!


Un mate muy afortunado porque el movimiento blanco negro no es forzado


Puzzles like these


mrodeag wrote:

Un mate muy afortunado porque el movimiento blanco negro no es forzado

Yeah. It's not that white made the best move, is it? But in the first puzzle, the black men were winnin anyway. It's just an example I suppose. And it was taken from an actual game played by amateurs.