
What's the best move?


White to move, what do yo think is the best for White here?


a. 1.Qc8+ ( This move keeps the opponent's King away from the center and controls the Queenside especially the 8th rank. I will play 2. Rxf2 in the next move)

b. 1. Qxe4 ( To remove complications, this sacrifice is necessary. I choose this to give my opponent a chance thus prolonging the agony. Although I can win this easily by capturing the a-pawn later. My passed b-pawn will decide.)

c. 1. Rxf2 ( No more thinking is needed. The move is very easy to find. Capturing this Bishop removes one of Black's attacking pieces. If he captured the Rook (...Nxf2), then King takes Knight. Queen versus a lone Bishop wins easily. If he does not capture the Rook, then I have an overwhelming material advantage having a Queen and Rook vs. Knight and Bishop.

I need your comments, thanks.


You are right. Check first then capture.