
Castling Queenside Problem


I am currently playing Cheapside-shinobi as white and everything was going well until I castled queenside - move 13. I know I cannot get a response from any piece white o

r black???? I cannot see that I have done anything wrong but if I have, I would really appreciate someone telling me what and what the solution is! Presumably others will hit the same thing, wasting time and maybe losing a game..... Many thanks in anticipation of ayour help.Nigel Robinson Game Ref:


Sorry, I now need to update the original posting. It has affected more than the one game that appeared to relate to queenside castling.

Another example would be my game with ghost2189 - ref:  where as with the other example, pieces of both colour stop responding and the button to submit the post is no longer available - a definite show stopper!

Again, I cannot see any logic for this, let alone a solution. Any suggestions to resolve urgently??

Many thanks...hopefully premium membership translates into premium support when there are difficulties!!



Apologies for continued postings as I narrow down on the exact nature of the 'prob'....the problem seems to be the blocking off of players when it is not their turn. Should this/has this always been the case?

If so, I may have gone round a complete circle with this posting for which I can only say sorry.....