
Unable to join Tournaments


To anyone official viewing this post, I have this concerned problem regarding the joining of tournaments. I've been having this problem from last two days. Please help me...and to other chess experts, if you know how to do it.. Please escort me...Embarassed


Are you already playing a tournament? That will stop you from joining other tournaments until it finishes.


If you are referring to online tournies, then it is most likely because you haven't played any games yet. Most tournies need a min of 5 completed online games first.just challenge some players online.


@amongkannan, usually I join only one tournament of 5 minutes..

@britesorb, I've played around 100 online games and chaleenged to more than 20 other chess players..


Online is turn based chess. Moves are made between 24 hours up to 14 days. Your stats for online are unrated. I can see your question is related to live tournies.