
2013 MN State Scholastic Info


Here is a note from MSCA Scholastic Coordinator, Jiten Patel:

Apologies if you received this email, still trying to clear up my list.  In addition, please re-forward this email to those you have done yesterday.

For 2013, both scholastic tournaments will be held on the same weekend. March 23-24.

The SCA will be responsible for the K-3 and K-6 divisions.  The first place team from each section will be declared the Minnesota State Champions.  The top 16 individual finishers in each section will compete in the Tournament of Champions on Saturday, April 13th.  The winner of the K-3 Tournament of Champions will be declared the K-3 State Champion. The winner of the K-6 Tournament of Champions will be declared the K-6 State Champion.

The MSCA will be responsible for the K-9 and the K-12 Championship. The winning teams in each section will be declared state champions in their respective divisions as well.  The top finisher in the K-9 section will be declared the Junior High State Champion and the Barber representative.  The Top finisher in the K-12 division will be declared the High School state Champion, and the Denker representative, provided the first place finisher does attend a high school.

The Primary and Elementary State Championship will be held at Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis (run by the SCA)
The Tournament of Champions will be held at Metcalf Jr. High (April 13th, run by the SCA)
The Junior High and High School Championship will be held at the Riverfront Crowne Plaza in St. Paul (run by the MSCA)
Forms for the Junior High/Senior High Championship will come out in the coming weeks I expect.

This announcement may force some individuals or teams to make a decision on which tournament to compete in...coaches and parents will be put in the same position, and for that I apologize.  This was not a planned decision, but it was the only conclusion that could have been made given the circumstances in the last few days.  For those with more questions, I may be answer them if you reply back, or perhaps in more depth this Saturday at the SCA Snowball Open and Team vs Team tournament where I will be in attendance.  Thank you, and have a good rest of the night.  

--Jiten Patel
MSCA Scholastic Coordinator


I noticed these were scheduled the same weekend awhile ago and thought it odd. Nate was looking forward to the MSCA one in St. Paul. I wonder how many K-6 players will choose that one. I can't remember the turnout for those 2 divisions last year, but do remember a large turnout last year at the SCA one.


Yeah it's unfortunate the kids can't play in both.  I dug up the numbers from last year.

MSCA 2012:  32 K-3 players and 65 K-6 players.

SCA 2012: 199 in the Primary and 217 in the Elementary.

I would guess most K-6 players will play SCA unless they are on a team in the MSCA event.


More info from Jiten.  I don't think there will be a K-3 or K-6 at the MSCA State tournament.  Here's his email.

The Scholastic page on the MSCA website is finally up to date. I hope things are more clear now.  Some have noticed a conflict in February as well--the MN Open and the SCA State Grade level, meaning a few more questions I assume.

Is the MSCA at fault for the conflict regarding the MN Open and the SCA State Grade Level?
I do not possess enough knowledge to know both sides, other than the fact that the MSCA had booked their tournament first. Scary.

Is the MSCA at fault for the conflict regarding the State Scholastic tournaments in March?
I possess enough knowledge to know that the SCA had their date booked first, and the MSCA is at fault. Scarier.

Anything else to admit to?
Yes, since 1998, I have been part of a chess doping ring involving steroids, blood transfusions, HGH, PEDs, EPO, LOL, OMG, BRB, and sniffing the occasional permanent marker.  Scariest.

Instead of four tournaments, a number of people will have to choose two now.  Looks like a grim decision, is there a bright side to this? Possibly....with people budgeting to make a trip to Super Nationals seem a reality, all I can offer is that one will save a fair amount playing two less tournaments.  Use these extra savings wisely--get a Chronos chess clock, a new chess bag/pieces, and I am more than willing to accept a belated Christmas gift.  If you are looking for tournaments to compete in, I would recommend the Rochester Grand Winter Open at the Mayo Clinic next weekend.  There is a link attached to the Rochester Chess Club on the "Quick Links" page.  For those not familiar, they have hosted this annual tournament for years and do a great job with it.  Feel free to reply back to me for more info as well.  This weekend is the MSCA Winter Open, and the SCA will have a standard tournament with a special double-bug section for those wanting to compete in it.  

If there are any other questions, please let me know.  Thank you.


New scholastic chess email from Jiten Patel:

Face it, you are looking at the window realizing is a great time to start on that 1040 and catch up on a few emails, which is one reason I thought I'd send one, along with some forms of my own:  The MSCA Junior High and Senior Championships.  And if you are deciding on driving today, I hope it's for a good reason , just be safe.  As you may know, I steer away from sending links or attachments in a mass email, but going to minnesotachessorg (I assume you know where to put the "dot") will lead you in there.  Click on the Scholastic page near the top, and I have a direct link, or you can access it through the MSCA Events Forum.  In addition, I have included the link for the SCA Primary and Elementary State Championship.

On February 15th , the MSCA will hold their General Membership meeting before the start of the 7pm Friday Night round of the 120th Minnesota Open.  We would like to reach a quorum, so you are encouraged to attend, the meeting starts at 6pm.  Ballots are also due at time.  There are four seats up for election, and the ballot can be found on the MSCA website (minnesotachessorg).  If one is curious who the board members are or what they do, this would be a good meeting to attend.  In short, people who are on the board are in voluntary roles voted on by process of election, and serve two year terms until their seat is up for re-election.

Alright, take another sip of coffee, take a look at the snowfall and think about the places you won't be driving this day, download the State Tournament forms, figure out how the driveway will be shoveled, and get those taxes filed! You will feel you have done a lot work by days end, just by sitting at home.  Safe driving to those that need to be on the road!  If there are questions on the forms, please let me know, thank you.


New email from Jiten:

One big weekend has already passed this month with the MN Open/State Grade Level, and also the MSCA Board Meeting.  New bylaws were passed, a majority of the edits were made to make it more gender neutral, and to include more than one voting procedure for the board election.  On that note, the MSCA's newest board member is Chris Kalina.  For those that know him, make sure you give him your congratulations.  

In short, all positions on the MSCA board are voluntary roles, and the goal is to promote chess.  The MSCA is an affiliate on the United States Chess Federation, and is the governing body of chess in Minnesota.  The MSCA is a non-profit organization, and it stands for the Minnesota State Chess Association.  I had the pleasure of recently meeting a handful of people for the first time whether they were new to chess, or were more curious about other tournaments and events.  I feel this is as good of a time as any for an introduction with the help of the Stones--just before I do--Make sure you get your forms in, both MSCA and SCA State Tournament forms are due soon.  Reply back for any questions

Please allow me to introduce myself 
Jiten Patel, MSCA Scholastic Coordinator
I'm a man of wealth and taste 
You may have noticed I’ve traded in my signature white hat for white pants…genetics will dictate I am likely going to succumb to male pattern baldness…so I may as well flaunt what I do possess—hair and the aforementioned white pants.
I've been around for a long, long year 
How long you ask? Playing since 1994, and coaching/working tournaments since 2000
Had his moment of doubt and pain 
Fans of the song know I omitted the previous two lines here…just to be safe

Pleased to meet you 
Hope you guess my name 
I have met many wonderful children, coaches,  and parents over the years, keep doing what you are doing!
But what's puzzling you 
Is the nature of my game 
I try to get kids excited, and parents educated


Message from Jiten:


--Emails may be more frequent this month as it gets closer to State.--

It is not too late to register for the MSCA Jr./Sr. High State.  Online registration is now open, and going forward, this is the preferred method for signing up going forward.  The link is up on the MSCA site, but it is also on the Scholastic tab.  Again, without the "www" and the "dot", the site is minnesotachessorg 

The State Championship registration for the K-3 Primary and 4-6 Elementary held by the SCA needs to mailed in--no online registration for this one--go to the SCA website for their form. (schoolchessorg)

This Saturday, the SCA will hold their one-day Jr. High/Middle School Championship.  This is a team tournament, so it is not uncommon for an elementary team to compete in the Jr. High section--in fact, an Elementary team took first last year, and three elementary schools placed in the top ten altogether.  This is the last SCA tournament before State, so it is also common for someone to play up a section for the extra challenge to better prepare them for State.

For anyone still looking at traveling rates for SuperNationals, Capitol Hill Magnet School is looking to get a large group from Minnesota on  a "Megabus" to Nashville.  Yelena Hydrie is the person in charge of this and has been cc'ed on this email.  Please contact her for more details.

If there are any other questions, please let me know.  Thanks!