
Alekhine-Chatard Attack (Accepted)



Let's get some members rolling on games with this Thematic Defense (Accepted) and let's get some discussion going with your thoughts and analysis.



Susan Polgar in her video dismisses the old accepted line with

However, I dont have any good lines to respond to 8Qd3 or 9Qg4 for white after 8Nh3


@repac3161, In response to 8.Qd3 I would probably think h6 is playable, taking the pawn out of the equation. 9.Nf3 would be possible, with white believing it is developing with initiative, but I think bringing black's queen back would have most likely been their next move, depending on white playing a solid move of course. So try the possibility 9.Nb5 Qd8 10.Qg3, putting further pressure on the weakening kingside, 10. ...g6 and now 11.Nf3 with black responding with 11. ...a6 to kick white's knight from the queenside returning to 12.Nc3 and then the thematic 12. ...c5 push and the position is still playable for black. The kingside leaves a little to be desired, but definitely not a position I would say is winning for white.

With 9.Qg4 pressuring is mounting again on the kingside, both g6 and Kf8 are possible, with g6 being the natural choice to leave the possibility of Queenside castling (after some piece re-arranging, which would be the next few moves, in my opinion. White is pressuring the kingside but would still need additional pieces to complete the breakthrough (ie. f pawn push, knights or additional rook), and if not careful black will mount their own attack on white's queenside.                                                            

I finally got around to doing some research on Alekhine-Chatard gambit accepted. Most of the following stuff comes from Watson on 


on move 13 why didnt you take queen with knight


Here's a nice miniature against the A-C Gambit:


There's a nice rapid game Kasparov-Korchnoi, played in 2001.