
Ametures Corner : The Knight


Today wer are going to explore the piece that most people feel is the hardest to grasp, or the hardest to follow, but the most beautiful when used correctly, and a piece that my friends always trade a Bishop for against me. thats right, we will examine my favorite piece the knight.


to start we all know it moves in an L shape in such a way that a N on g1 can travel to f3 via teleportation (thats why you can play 1 Nf3) or as some people say hop over other pieces. It is also part of a puzzle where the goal is to use a knight to hit every square on a chess board exactly once, the knights tour. now lets look at some of the properties of the knight.

So your opponeont has played the Dragon Sicillian and you mannaged to strip away the f pawn, resulting in the below possition, knowing how a knight moves deliver the winning combination

As we all know that is a classic pattern and should be easy to spot. However that is not all a knight is good for, many people realize that on the c7 square it can deliver a crushing fork.
So how do we get the knight into such great positions? There is an old addage that goes, a knight on the rim is dim. For the most part this is true. I will let Kasparov demonstrate how a Centralized knight is able to hummilliate an opponent.
Notice how Kasparov not only defeated Karpov, but the d3 Octopus knight as it has been called killed Karpov and Karpov was unable to deal with it.
now for my best use of a knight
Notice how the knights dominated when they were in the center, and had effective squares to go to. This is not always the case, as sometimes there will be nothing happening in the center or a knight in the center is extremely vulnerable, but when supported a knight in the center can be the crux of an attack, or if neccessary, a defense.