
I calculated a variaton in an online game, and at the end, I thought, "that's a piece!"... and so forth and so on, and before I knew what had happened, I had given myself a nickname...


0.  because if I think I'm up a piece, I feel at peace...

1.  because I'm a piece, in any sense of the word

2.  and in pieces, we are, each pulling seperately*

3.  I baked a pie once, it was good enough.

7.  I hold my peace, sort of

5.  I like words too much

6.  And letters and

8.  it just struck me a certain way,

9.  anyway, and furthermore...


when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object, death is emitted in that location.  or so I assert.

therefore in chess, the offender alone is playing for a win. 

if your queen were your ego, your king your self, your bishops your legs, your knights your arms, your rooks your your torso, your pawns your soul, you would not spend them so easily.

every game of chess is an artificial life, a life in opposition.


of course, an offense may be passive for a long time, yet sooner or later, in order to offend, it must infallibly become active.

the justification is that in single combat, the legs control the angle of approach, whether stepping in, across, or around, a radius to the opponent. I think I once heard master sit of taihui.com say, where the ears are, the legs will be, never look down. and not to to mention the angles of ones own stability or lack of it.

the arms are used to confuse, block, and strike.

the torso controls back and forth motion.

our ego is our over- or under- inflated sense of our capacity.

our self is our real capacity

the pawns have to do with our atmosphere which reacts with that of others, in life and in chess.

so it may follow, a good queen is hidden, good bishops have a strong foundation, good knights have places to go, good rooks are in the middle, and the inner ruler has air, but never too much of it.  Pawns may as well be synonymous with electrons for all I know, I dont understand them at all. 

help, help, my pawns are evaporating...

 At the beginning of the game, the arms and legs are drawn in, as they are at birth.  then again, in a fight, much of the energy of the arms and legs is contained in the quarters of the torso. explaining the paradox of the rooks outside.

I came to chess at 39 and with too many responsibilites to be good at doing it.  these are merely my reflections after nearly two years of getting familiar with it. 

and here is a peculiar and grandiose notion I cooked up for your entertainment:

I propose a chess variant with identical rules to ordinary chess, except that a rook can only move 1 or 2 squares left or right besides castling, and no queen can land on the back rank, and for the adepts, the queen may not deliver mate.  Such shall be the principals of the approach to the true worship of Ca -xcuse me. As I was saying, is it not to be fervently hoped that the greatest chess minds should affirm such a noble experiment with the boundaries of chess, in unrated games where W-L-D records speak for themselves?

if only to defy those traitors to the zen of play, the bean-counting solvers with college money, and engine parrots?  And by the shock of the new, to meet each other as if for the first time?

>begins foaming at mouth<


-have indulged vanity of no caps.  according to my observation, first letter of sentences are no more important than any other letter.  only "I" is more important (whoever uses it).

so this is probably more like blog, but I cant figure out how to move it.  anyway, its why I play chess.

and I love chess because although I only play idiot chess, I can look around and see even at the highest level, it is not different; win and loss depend on instances of stupidity of various kinds.

our stupid human tiredness, our confusion, our vanity...  I would like to imagine that chess can wash these things a bit, or at any rate, thats my reason/excuse, take it as you will.

and thankyou for your kind attention


*see ouspenskey, 'in search of the miraculous', if this interests you.  at least, that's my suggestion.  or tai chi maybe.  hell, anything really,  seung sahn, 'compass of zen', church, gang, yoga, attanasio 'last legends of earth', good food, bad food, car, house, family, 'mutant message from down under', politics, business, money take your pick... happy hunting...