2010 Weekly Match Prediction Contest

2010 Weekly Match Prediction Contest

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     Hello group members, we would like to present to you our first weekly group competition, the 2010 Weekly Match Prediction Contest!  This is a weekly competition that will be held through the remainder of the regular season, as well as the playoffs.  Each week, a separate thread will be started by the administration for the following week’s matches.  The initial post in that thread will list the teams for Monday’s and Wednesday’s U.S.C.L. matches to be played, along with the deadline for turning in your weekly picks.

     All you have to do is:  Join the United States Chess League Group; then make a post in that thread, clearly indicating who you think will win each match, or if you think the match will end in a tie for both teams.  For our competitions tie-breaker purposes, you must add the points you think each winning team will score next to their names (there is no need to add points for matches you think will be ties, as both teams would score 2.0 points).  After the week’s league matches are over, we will go through everyone’s match predictions to discover who had the most correct for that week.  That member will be our weekly winner!  In the event that there is more than one winner, we will use the points you added to each winning team prediction as tie-breakers (please refer to Weekly Prediction Tie-Breakers below).  The winner after calculating tie-breakers will then be our weekly winner!

WEEKLY WINNER!  Our weekly winner will receive a 1 Month Diamond Membership for FREE!  Please note:  We will run our weekly winner rewards through the regular season only.  Once the playoffs start, the Weekly Predictions will count towards our season totals (for our season winner), but we will NOT be offering the 1 Month Diamond Membership award during the playoff weeks.  A group member may win the weekly award more than once!

DEADLINES:  In each week’s thread, right after the weekly matches are listed, we will include the deadlines for you to turn in your weekly picks (One deadline for the Monday Games, and one for the Wednesday games).  These deadlines will be listed as ET (Eastern Time in the U.S.); or GMT -4.  Your picks must be submitted by post in the thread, so that they are time stamped for all to see.  Any posts made after the deadline WILL NOT be accepted; no exceptions.

Weekly Prediction Tie-Breakers:  In the event that more than one member comes up with the best match prediction results for the week, we have included a tie-breaker system to decide the winner.  In each of the eight matches you pick, you will indicate a winner or that both teams tied.  In the matches that you indicate a winner, you will also indicate the amount of points you feel the team will score in its victory (the options are:  2.5; 3.0; 3.5; or 4.0).  In the event of a tie, we will add the points of all eight matches that each member submitted (the numbers you gave each winning team, as well as 2.0 for each tie you predicted).

     We will then add all of the points scored in all eight league matches.  The member who has a point total nearest that of the league point total that week is the winner!  Should there still be a tie between two or more members, we will then proceed by looking at the first listed league match.  The member whose points are closest to the points actually scored in that match will be the winner.  If there is still a tie, we will proceed to the second listed game, and so on, up to the eighth game listed, in order to determine the weekly winner!

2010 Weekly Match Prediction Contest Season Winner

     Not only will be keeping track of each week’s picks, we will also (in this thread) keep track of all members pick totals for the entire season (including picks made in the playoff weeks).  At the end of the 2010 Season (after the Championship Match), we will calculate which member has the most picks correct for the season.  That member will be our Season Winner!  Should we have more than one member as a winner, we will use the tie-breaker method listed below to determine the winner between them.

SEASON WINNER!  Our season winner will receive 6 Months of Diamond Membership for FREE!  Pretty cool, huh!?

Season Prediction Tie-Breakers:  In the event that we have a tie for the season winner, we will use the following system as a tie-breaker method.  We will first add their weekly point totals for the entire playoff weeks (that will be Quarterfinals week, plus Semifinals week, plus Championship week).  We will then add the points scored in the league over those same three weeks.  The member who has a point total nearest that of the league point total is the season winner!  If there is still a tie, we will compare point totals for the members during the Championship week.  The member who has a point total that week nearest the league point total is the season winner!  If there is still a tie, we will compare the Semifinals week, then the Quarterfinals week, until we have found a clear season winner!

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