
2022.05.19 Stream Update

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I'll probably begin streaming a Playing Viewers stream around 7:30 pm or 8:00 pm (40 minutes from now to a little over an hour from now). 

My stream mod has plans, so we might try to make this stream a little shorter (I've said that before, but then the streams still go 3 or 3.5 hours plus xD). I'm not going to put a time on it, since we'll adjust slightly based on how the stream goes, but in an effort to make the stream shorter, I think I'll try 5 min unrated blitz games instead of 15/10 unrated rapid. This way the shorter games might make the stream a bit shorter. 

Due to the time control being much faster paced, I'll give a little less commentary mid-game (knowing me I'll still take a lot at instructional moments and probably flag a game or two xD), but I'll still give more in-depth commentary in the ritualistic post-game analysis happy.png

As @ninjaswat suggested, I'll also be switching this posting format to the club "News" section. This will be the first stream in "News" and also the last forum thread post for streaming as I'll try to switch over to posting only in club "News" for future streams. 

Also as recommend, I'll try to include the channel links in those posts too.

Twitch Channel link for when I stream chess live: 

YouTube Channel link for uploading the same live stream to YouTube for those who can't catch it live or just want to watch it again: 

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