Blog Rotation Rolling Out Now

Blog Rotation Rolling Out Now

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Hello bloggers As of today, staff, beta members, and 10% of users now have the new blog rotation feature in their home page. Tomorrow, we expect to expand the roll out to 50% and then 100% of users on Thursday. This staged roll out allows us to detect any errors in batches of code before it affects too many users.

Q: How does it work?

Every five minutes, a "top blog" posted within the last 48 hours will be randomly loaded into the blog slot on the home page. This means that after you post, you will get regular exposure for the next 48 hours. This should mean more reads for everyone because you will all get more exposure to readers who may not yet have read your blog.

Q: When and how often should I post?

You should post whenever you want! Under this rotation system, you won't be infringing on other bloggers' front-page time when you post, and they won't be infringing on yours. It is perfectly ok to post at the same time as another user if you both have a blog ready to post.

Regarding how often you should post, we do ask that you refrain from posting multiple times within 48 hours. This could be seen as "spamming" the top blog spot, and we may ask you to slow down. This also is unlikely to be in your interest as spacing out your posts a bit more will allow you to better promote each post.

Q: How can I get more exposure?

You should not hesitate to promote your own work!

  • If you tweet your blogs with #chesscommunity, we will often retweet it (a better crafted tweet is more likely to get a retweet ).
  • You can also share your blogs on other social media and forums that you think might be interested.
  • Consider encouraging your readers to "follow" you so that they are notified when you post.


  • Enter the blog of the month contest!
  • also regularly shares some of your excellent blogs on our social media pages. Following our suggested best practices so that your content is consistent with our style gives your blog the best chance of being featured in this way.

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