Breaking News Group Stage Results 1st August

Breaking News Group Stage Results 1st August

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The breaking news published today really should have been the opening announcement of Mx's performance in the Group stages. However as is known the opening round did not get off to the most auspicious of starts! Mx had won all of their opening games bracketed below but due to the cancellation of the round had to replay these matches. It was expected that having won once they would do so again bearing in mind that the intervening period may have meant that squads did some intensive recruitment. Certainly if Mx's respective opponents recruited the outcomes could be different to those of the aborted round!

All 3 Mx teams were in action.

The results for the respective teams are:

Mx A vs. Cheshire & NW Mx win7.5-4.5

Mx B vs. Derbyshire Mx win 6.5-5.5

Mx u1825 vs. Surrey Mx win 10.5-1.5

See full results here

Another hat-trick of victories to bring the group stage to an end. Now the competition begins in earnest!

Full match report to come

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