Come play in the first Official Team Match up vs Chess TV

Come play in the first Official Team Match up vs Chess TV

| 11 just released out newest major feature: Live Chess Club Matches!

Just like the traditional daily club matches, members from each club will be paired vs a player from the opposing club and play 2 games mini match! Winning your games adds points to your club's total. Only one team will walk away the winner! 

Danny Rensch invites you to come play in the first official match up pitting the pitting Pro Chess League vs!

Pick and side and come play 4/3/17 at 1:00 pm PDT!  To join, just go to Live Chess and follow the instruction in this screenshot.


This event will be live on TV with Danny hosting so you don't want to miss it! Plus one lucky member will be lucky enough to be paired with Danny himself  

Please note: In order to play, you can only be a member of one club! If you are member of both clubs already, you will have to quit one of the clubs (at least for a short while!) to play! 

I look forward to seeing you there! 

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