Fpawn Birthday Blitz Bash on Sunday Night

Fpawn Birthday Blitz Bash on Sunday Night

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Dear chess friends, students and former students!

In the era of social distancing, I will celebrate my birthday by hosting a blitz tournament on on Sunday night. I would be honored if you could attend. I plan for a fun and relaxing two hours of chess.

My primary inspiration was to invite many of my former students. I maintain contact with a few, but lost contact with many more. No doubt you all have memories from the tournaments we shared as a group, laughing about wins and bemoaning missed opportunities. Whether you lived in Sacramento or Saratoga, or somewhere in between, you were all fpawn's students. I hope some of my current students will be able to participate as well.

This fun evening will be open to all - hosted by the online community in Sacramento and co-promoted by the Mechanics' Institute. No doubt many more California chess players know that dude in the speeding wheelchair than I know by name. Of course, you are all welcome!

To join:
1. Register an account at (free is OK).
2. Sign up for the Sacramento Pawns club.
3. Join on Sunday evening beginning at 6:30.
4. Tournament starts at 7:30. Games begin automatically.
5. Feel free to chat in the text box below the join button.

Tournament conditions:
Starts on Sunday evening at 7:30
10 round swiss - G/5 with 1 sec increment
No entry fee, no prizes, mega fun!
Not USCF rated :)

Kindly share this notification with my former students.

I hope to see many of you on Sunday night! If my friends don't all abandon me, I will not be the highest rated player. RSVP not required, but saying hello is still appreciated.

Michael Aigner a.k.a. fpawn

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