Fpawn Birthday Blitz on Saturday Night

Fpawn Birthday Blitz on Saturday Night

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Dear chess friends,

I wish to invite you to the 2nd Fpawn Birthday Blitz at on Saturday evening starting at 7:00 Pacific time. Last year's tournament turned out quite strong, with GM Steven Zierk victorious against a field of eight masters, including two IMs. Please join us and spread the word! Can we top 36 players this year?

I will open a Zoom meeting half an hour before the first round for everyone to socialize. Bring your own snacks.

Unlike last year, the tournament will be in the Fpawn Chess Club. Players need to join this group.

For information and links visit

I hope to see many of you on Saturday!

Michael Aigner

P.S. The weekly Sac Pawn Storm still continues each Saturday afternoon at 3:00 PM. 

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