Fun wolf facts

Fun wolf facts

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Hey guys, just wanted to share some wolf facts with the pack: 1.) Wolves live up to around 10 yrs, more or less. 2) Wolves live in packs of about 30-ish, more or less. I hope to see our pack grow to that size, and only be the best of the best. 3) wolves have very strong jaws: 1,500 pound per square inch (compared with around 750 for a large dog)

4) Wolves can take down just about any living thing in there environment--elk, moose, deer, even bears! With their strong numbers, they can take down anything. Strength in numbers! We hope to grow our group to the equivalent of a well run WOLF PACK! They leaders must lead, the stragglers will be helped out! Only the best will prevail. Our pack will demolish any others in the way! ...... Anyways--wolves are great creatures and we are a wolf pack of chess players!

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