
Joe Joe the reggae-loving parrot.

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He liked nothing better than to nibble on a shortbread biscuit with a cup of Earl Gray and a dash of honey.You could often hear him singing Martha and the Vandellas along to some reggae and if trouble ever loomed for his owner Cara Cosson,he could always be relied on to bark like a dog,but something dastardly happened to Joe Joethe parrot the day someone broke in to her house while she was out.A heartless intruder kidnapped the sixteen year old African Gray and left a threatening letter made from newspaper headline clippings inside his cage.The note is understood to have warned:if you want to see the bird againtext this phone number.If you go to the police I will kill him.Quite what fate has befallen this remarkable performing bird is a mystery that has so far involved the police,a psychic,Parrot society experts and an internationa appeal on the internet.Alas,there has been no word from himsince,Not even on Twitter.The abductor struck two weeks ago while Miss Cosson,a forty five year old contracts officer,was out at work.She returned to her home in Bedford,England after her mother phoned her to saythat there had been a brake-in,but when she walked in,to her absolute dispair she realised that Joe Joe was missing."He is not a pet,he is family"said Miss Cosson,who has no children"I am devastated".People will think that it is just a bird but it is not to me.It feels likemy child has been kidnapped.Im trying not to think the worst,but i suspect the worst may have already happened.Nothing else was taken in the robbery and Miss Cosson,a devorsee who split up with her partner earlier this year,believes she knows who is responsible.The person who stole himhas taken him because that is the only thing that would be able to hurt me,she said.The kidnap style letter did not ash for money but said the bird would be killed if she called the police.

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Joe Jo the parrot continued

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