Kids & Amateurs #8 and Pawn Storm #12

Kids & Amateurs #8 and Pawn Storm #12

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Once again the Sacramento Pawns club hosts two chess tournaments on Saturday afternoon. If you are rated under 1400 in rapid rating, then join the Kids & Amateurs starting at 1:30 PM. The premier event, called the Pawn Storm, begins at 3:00 PM and is open to all. Bring your buddies - the more, the merrier.

Extra! Extra! The club will host the Sac Fireworks Blitz on Friday evening, July 3. This will be a 10 round swiss tournament with the time control of G/5 + inc/1. Round 1 starts at 7:30 PM. Mark your calendar! 

Sac Kids & Amateurs #8

When: Saturday, June 20 from 1:30 to 3:00 PM
Who: Open to club members under 1400 rapid rating
Format: FOUR (4) ROUND Swiss in one section

Sac Pawn Storm #12

When: Saturday, June 20 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM
Who: Open to all club members regardless of rating
Format: FIVE (5) ROUND Swiss in one section

Additional information for both tournaments:

Where: Live Server under the Tournaments tab at the upper right 
Time control: G/10 + 3 second increment 
Minimum: Need at least 4 players to avoid automatic cancellation 
USCF Rated: No  
Entry: Free 
Prizes: Glory and rating points

If this is your first time playing, 1. sign up for the Sacramento Pawns club and 2. read the instructions to join the tournament. Questions or comments? Please message me on or send an email to michael AT fpawn DOT com.

Past results:

More News

Kids & Amateurs #7 and Pawn Storm #11

Kids & Amateurs #7 and Pawn Storm #11

Results from Kids & Amateurs

Results from Kids & Amateurs