Mosquitoes face Snowballs in first round

Mosquitoes face Snowballs in first round

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This Wednesday the PRO Chess League will commence with the first round! Amsterdam Mosquitoes will face the Stockholm Snowballs. The match is scheduled to start at 20:35 CET. Let's take a look at the line-ups of the two teams.

Stockholm Snowballs - Amsterdam Mosquitoes
GM Georg Meier 2630 GM Wouter Spoelman 2584
GM Evgenij Agrest 2593 GM David Klein 2509
GM Erik Blomqvist 2574 IM Christov Kleijn 2437
WIM Inna Agrest 2273 Lennart Dek 2288
Av rating 2518 Av rating 2455

The Snowballs enter the arena with 3 GMs and an average rating surpassing the 2500 limit. This is allowed as their September 2016 rating was somewhat lower and there is a 10-point bonus for female players.

The Mosquitoes will start their tournament with Wouter, David, Christov and Lennart. Although they will the underdog on paper, this squad will certainly give the Snowballs a run for their money.

Then the time tables of the match. As the PRO Chess League follows the all-play-all principle, there will be four rounds. 

Round 1 - 20:35 Round 2 - 21:15
Georg Meier - Wouter Spoelman David Klein - Georg Meier
Evgenij Agrest - David Klein Wouter Spoelman - Evgenij Agrest
Christov Kleijn - Erik Blomqvist Erik Blomqvist - Lennart Dek
Lennart Dek - Inna Agrest Inna Agrest - Christov Kleijn
Round 3 - 21:55 Round 4 - 22:35
Georg Meier - Christov Kleijn Lennart Dek - Georg Meier
Evgenij Agrest - Lennart Dek Christov Kleijn - Evgenij Agrest
Wouter Spoelman - Erik Blomqvist Erik Blomqvist - David Klein
David Klein - Inna Agrest Inna Agrest - Wouter Spoelman

How to follow the match will cover all matches via live broadcast. However, if you want to focus on the match of the Mosquitoes you may want to tune in to the twitch-channel of the Mosquitoes.

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