
No More Tues-Wed Tournaments

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Our live tournament schedule has taken a severe hit as we have been unable to draw sufficient entries to fill our swiss events for more than half our recent offerings.

I know this is partially my fault as I have not been up to writing reports on tournaments for quite some time while recuperating from a deep vein thrombosis. I don't know what my future holds health-wise but I will continue to play chess here on as long as I am able. I may not resume writing reports.

Since interest is fading, I will not be creating the Tuesday and Wednesday night tournaments until there is an indication that they will fill but I will continue the Saturday night events at least for now.

If you are interested in playing in the Saturday night tournies, they are at 6:15 pm pacific time and will continue as G15/10 games. This coming Saturday's event is the Renate-Irene Reprise. 

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