Online Chess Tournament - Last Round! (9 round, pairings)

Online Chess Tournament - Last Round! (9 round, pairings)

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Dear Chess Friends!
These are pairings for the last 9th round of our tournament! The game should be played until 8th of December (this Sunday). You have only 1 week to play!

First 2 pairs played in a draw and now we still have only 1 leader - Kristina! The second is Dadal who can chase Kristina in case of a victory in the next round. Scott has 6 points and can also get a second or third prize.

We have 4 more pursuers: Vadym with 5.5 points, Elliot, Michael & Anusha with 5 points. Any of them can get a prize in case of a victory.

Please, look at the standings after 8 rounds.

If for some reason, you were excluded, but still want to continue the tournament and get back to parings - let me know. My e-mail is

The pairings:

Table White   Fed Score Black   Fed Score Result
1 3 Kristina Solovieva UK  7,5 16 Michael Sherman USA 5  
2 13 Dadal Cristinel ROU 6,5 26 Anusha Subramanian UK  5  
3 23 Scott Stanley USA 6 1 Vadym Stoilov CAN 5,5  
4 6 Yashu Sreeram UK  4 8 Elliot Tadic CAN 5  
5 19 Nic Carter AUS 4 21 Valery Yatskevich BLR 4,5  
6 18 Natalie Chalaya RUS 3,5 17 Milan Navratil SVK 3,5  
7 11 Alex Carter AUS 3 7 Alisa Neustroeva RUS 3  
8 14 Elvin Mamedov RUS 0 15 Eric W USA 1  
0 2 David Pozo USA 1 0 forf.
0 4 Saket Singh USA 2 0 forf.
0 5 Benjamin Sloutsky USA 1 0 forf.
0 9 Eugene Marsavin USA 0 0 forf.
0 10 Aleksandr Ovstein RUS 2 0 forf.
0 12 Alexander Garcia MEX 2 0 forf.
0 20 Omari ESP 0 0 forf.
0 22 Javier Geraldo ESP 4 0 forf.
0 24 Mehmet Ozan Ural TUR 0 0 forf.
0 25 Zachary Hoffarth USA 0 0 forf.

Please, negotiate with your opponent and schedule the game until Wednesday. You can play a game on any day of this week including Sunday (8th of December). Sunday is the last day to play for 9th round.

You can play it on or, but it should be a rated game.
Time control: 45'+30"
Please, send the link to this game to my e-mail:

If for some reasons you can't contact your opponent or he/she doesn't respond - let me know about this situation.

Nicknames of all players below:

First & last name Lichess nickname nickname
Aleksandr Ovstein detaon detaon
Alex Carter thegingercat thegingercat 
Alexander García  AGS11 AGS1
Alisa Neustroeva Kotik2009 Kotik2009
Anusha Subramanian   chesskid-09
Benjamin Sloutsky cool_kid1 bslou
Dadal Cristinel angelliffer dedalc
David Pozo  DJPozo  Davidpozoo
Elliot Tadic elliottadic elliottadic
Elvin Mamedov shakhverdi shakhverdi
Eric W   EricMiami
Eugene Marsavin eugmars eugenemars
Javier Giraldo Girolda Girolda
Kristina Solovieva kristina2727 funkydonkey101
Mehmet Ozan Ural   Zagor_54
Michael Sherman katrelle shakmati
Milan Navratil palosvrcina  
Natalie Chalaya Panterrra Sanataxp
Nic Carter Nic Carter CycloneX 
Omari    coma
Saket Singh   saketsingh
Scott Stanley AlecBradley AlecBradley
Vadym Stoilov Vadym2005 Vadym2005
Valery Yatskevich Valera1987 Valedol
Yashu Sreeram dudeasy dudeasy
Zachary Hoffarth thedoctor233 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them here!

Best regards,
FM Victor Neustroev

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