Vacancy for Admin Post

Vacancy for Admin Post

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Hello bullet masters. It's been a while since there is any activity (Vote chess, Addition of new members, daily team matches) in the group. I personally apologize for not being active all the while. But now that I have come back let's revive our group of bullet masters. 

The revival task won't be easy but its necessary to get things going again and it will require following things to be done



1)Find atleast 2 candidates who are regular and active on and who are interested in becoming admin of the group

Note that becoming admin doesn't mean that's the end, they must be capable of taking up responsibilities, manage groups, manage matches and lead from the front.


2) Inviting more and more members and make the club bigger.


3)Start new forums/Post daily puzzles which will make it vibrant club


Those who are interested and want to apply for Admin post should message me or post on my wall

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