Welcome to World League 2015

Welcome to World League 2015

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Hi All, 

Welcome to the 2015 season of the World League!  Please note that everyone can follow along the standings and results on  Thanks to Yuri for developing this great website! 

A couple quick reminders:

  1. Please ensure that you only play matches for a single World League team.  You are not allowed to play for multiple nations.
  2. We have set the divisions for this season based on the interim standings from the 2014 season.  The final standings for 2014 will be determined when all matches have a decisive result.  It will still be another few months before all the matches are wrapped up.  You'll see a news posting in this group announcing the winners at that time.  
  3. Have fun and enjoy your matches!  Please take this opportunity to meet new chess friends from across the world.  This competition is about global participation.  Please don't forget sportsmanship in your matches!
Also, thanks to all the WL Directors that help out running the league!  



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