Vietnamese IGM won the First Saturday Budapest November GM-section
IGM Nguyen Huynh Minh Huy won the GM-section, 1st-11th November 2014 in Budapest. The next tournament will be from 6th until 17th December here. www.firstsaturday.hu IO Nagy Laszlo
IGM Nguyen Huynh Minh Huy won the GM-section, 1st-11th November 2014 in Budapest. The next tournament will be from 6th until 17th December here. www.firstsaturday.hu IO Nagy Laszlo
From 1st-11th Nov First Saturday GM-IM-FM norm tournaments in Budapest. Pls tell this possibility to your chess friends as well. Your feedback would be highly appreciated. IO Nagy Laszlo, www.firstsaturday.hu (Possible online cha...
Who does want to have more information about these forthcoming chess tournaments? www.firstsaturday.hu - possible in the site online chat... firstsat@hu.inter.net IO Nagy Laszlo
We have GM-IM-ELO rated round robin chess tournaments in Budapest, who is interested to get more info about them? www.firstsaturday.hu
Respected Chessfriend, Pls tell your GM-IM norm seeker pupils and chessfriends in your country, from 2nd - until 12th August FIRST SATURDAY we have GM and IM tournament in Budapest. We have some vacancies yet. The next tournaments: 1. 10th-16th...
We miss a player with around 2250-2300 ELO from the world. Who does want to come now to play for the IM-norm? The list of the players: SZEBERENYI, Adam IM 2316 HUN FARAGO, Sandor IM 2249 HUN SZALANCZY, Emil IM 2280 HUN KISLIK, Erik Andrew IM 2...
There is a youth blitz and rapid tournament in Budapest, 14-17th June, organized by IO Nagy, the owner of the First Saturday monthly events.
We have started our events, 8 players from Turkmenistan plays here. In the first round the USA player, Mr IM Justin Sarkar won against the Turkmeni IM Maksat Atabayev. www.firstsaturday.hu
The 3 IGM-s who will play: SERES, Lajos /HUN/, KOSIC, Dragan /MNE/ and BLOMQVIST, Erik (SWE). In the IM section the IM-s: SZALANCZY, Emil (HUN), SZEBERENYI, Adam /HUN/, MATHE, Gaspar /HUN/, AL-ALI, Hussein Ali Hussein /IRQ/. Who does wish more i...
Two players reached the IM-norm, FM Sean from INA and FM Petrov (RUS) the next First Saturday GM IM FM events schedules: 3rd-13th May, 7th-17th June, 5th-15th July, 2nd-12th August, 6th-16th Sept, etc. IO Nagy Laszlo - www.firstsaturday.hu
We will start our forthcoming GM-IM-ELO closed tournaments on 5th April. The GM-s who will play: IGM VARGA, Zoltan /HUN/, IGM CZEBE, Attila /HUN/, IGM SERES, Lajos /HUN/. We have some vacancies yet in all groups. Our site is: www.firstsaturday.hu
On 1st March we have started the event, we have 40 players now in 4 groups. In the GM section we have 10 players, the GM norm is 7 points, ELO average 2430. In the IN section we have 10 players, the ELO average is 2272, IM-norm 7 points. The w...
Pls tell your chessfriends, for the 1st-12th March Budapest First Saturday GM and IM closed tournaments we have some vacancies. Chessfriendly: IO Nagy Laszlo www.firstsaturday.hu firstsat@hu.inter.net Last link about us: http://www.fide.c...
A HUN FM Korpa, Bence reached his 1st GM-norm, the CHN player Li Bo reached his 2nd IM-norm and the INA player (16) FM Sean Winshand Cuhendi reached his 2nd IM.norm in the December event. The FIDE.com published our press release: http://www.fid...
In the GM-event the IGM-s KOSIC (MNE), FARAGO, Ivan (HUN) and FODOR, Tamas (HUN) will play. We have some vacancies in the GM and IM group also. Our site is: www.firstsaturday.hu IO Nagy Laszlo
The two USA age group world champion plays now in a GM tournament called GREAT HOPES, from 16th until 26th Nov. The site about the event: http://chess-results.com/tnr115510.aspx?lan=1 The next GM IM tournament in these city: 7th-17th Dec. www.fir...
The U-12 world champion reached his IM-title in Budapest in the First Saturday November GM-tournament. www.firstsaturday.hu More info with correspondence: firstsat@hu.inter.net
Two USA player plays in the First Saturday Budapest November event, IM Troff, Kayden W and FM Sevian Sam. The official website of the tournament is: www.firstsaturday.hu