
A Little Castling Rule!

| 14 | For Beginners

Look at the position on the left, can black do a queenside castle(0-0-0)?

I asked this question in my school and they anwered NO, because the Knight at d7 holds the b8 square. If your answer is NO too, then you are wrong. Black can do 0-0-0, because the king does not pass b8 while castling. The king passes e8, d8, c8... so white must hold one of these squares to stop the castling.

Yes, black can 0-0-0, but what difference does that make??? It doesn't make a difference in most games, but it does here. Black should 1. ... 0-0-0 here to get an equal position. Another choice is 1. ... Bd6?! 2.Bxd6 Kxd7 but king remains on an open line which could be dangerous...

WARNING: As some comments say, 1. ... 0-0-0 is wrong. The correct move was Bc6. I'm sorry for the mistake...

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